Join our open meeting – campus mackerfrei!
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The campus mackerfrei collective was founded in 2020 when a professor who had committed sexualised assaults against female students was to return to the university. Since then, we have been campaigning to ensure that sexism and sexualised assaults on campus do not go without consequences. At the end of March 2023, the professor in question was finally removed from civil servant status – also because we made it clear that students will no longer tolerate him at the university.
The campus remains a place where abuse of power, sexism and patriarchal structures are part of everyday life. We want to fight this status quo!
campus mackerfrei has set itself the goal of naming sexualised assaults and sexism in the university context, supporting those affected and demanding consequences if wished by those affected.
If you want to actively stand up for a queerfeminist campus and a university everyday life free of patriarchal violence, come to our open meeting on 17 May! We are looking forward to meeting many new people (all genders) who bring new motivation, ideas and energy to our group!
Where? Erfurt University, Lehrgebäude 1, Room 102
When? Wednesday, 17 May 2023, 6 p.m.